علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی::
هیئت مشاور
PEGI cooperates with government both in the formation of the two vari- ants of PEGI (offline and the new PEGI Online) and in the Advisory Board on which government members sit.
The presence of government officials on the Advisory Board of PEGI, with civil society representatives on the Complaints Board, makes for an interesting governance structure whose coordination canbeseenasatypeof 'co-regulatorypolicy- makingwithself- regulatory implementation'.91 PEGI itself claims to be more co-regulatory and self-regulatory: 'One key feature of the PEGI system - probably the main driver of its success - is its unique combination of business and gov- ernment input (on this ground, some would call it co-regulation rather than self-regulation).'92 Its composition, with an advisory board made up almost entirely of government representatives supports that interpretation.93
Chazerand explains that the EC involvement included meeting officials in January 2007- and in Rome the PEGI Advisory Board meeting discussed and invited the Commission to have an Advisory Board seat.101 However, the EC did not sit on the drafting council until its review meeting.
If coders claim that cul- tural specificities are important, then a full PEGI Advisory Board panel is required to review the whole of the content for all cultures.
France and Italy pressed for consumer association representation on the complaint board rather than advisory board.
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